An ancestral knowledge which originated over 4,000 years ago in China, teaches us how to harmonize not only our bodies, but how to achieve happiness and prosperity. It is the notion that the "spirit" or atmosphere of a place has an effect on your well being.
Some people believe Feng Shui is like astrology and fortune telling, they believe it goes against God and question why people can preach this kind of stuff. Unfortunately, this is a very common "myth". Feng Shui is not about religion, or philosophy and much less about superstition. It is the art and science of living in harmony with the environment. Simply stated by Suzee Miller, Feng Shui Master and professional speaker, "Feng Shui is the study of quantum physics - the flow of organic and inorganic energy in the universe. The primary goal of Feng Shui'ng listings, offices and/or homes is to increase the dynamic flow and accumulation of positive energy. It is this life force that helps us sell properties in record time, empowers us in our careers, and enriches our personal lives."
It might sound far fetched to many of you. But do we go to the gym to our favorite Yoga class? Do we buy incense to incite our senses? How about the lovely fresh flowers we so enjoy as a center piece? Or the color in your friend's dining room walls that makes you feel at such ease. All these things have to do with energy, and how our senses are heightened and influenced by certain things.
So how can this help you??? It can help you achieve the ultimate balance with simple arrangements of colors, materials, sounds, furniture placement, use of light, gardens, nature and more. By redirecting energies - repositioning furniture - changing lighting - adding mirrors and beautiful plants, you might be able to achieve just that. It can help sell a "stagnant" property that has sat on the market for a while without movement. It can help you sleep in a bedroom that you have not been able to relax in since you "re-decorated". It can even help you cure a "sick house".
Can you do this yourself??? It takes years of experience to get it right, but it can't hurt you to buy a couple of books and learn to do it yourself.......but your best bet is to hire a Feng Shui consultant or better yet, a Feng Shui Master to assess your home or place of business and start making changes.
Here are some websites that can help you to get started:
If you are planning on trying it out on your own, start small, with simple items and don't resort to generalizations (like store bought Feng Shui products placed exactly as "instructions" tell you). You could start seeing changes which will seem unbelievable.
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