Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Future Photographer? You be the judge.

Our 11 year old son, Gabriel, spent almost the whole Summer with a camera by his side. Before school let out in May, the art teacher at his school handed out a ditto with an assignment for a Photography Competition. The competition would take place when school started in August and the theme would be nature. We truly can't tell what inspired him, was it the actual competition, or was it the $50 prize??
Either way, he was inspired, and took a lot of photographs. He learned about composition and light, and about the importance of capturing certain moments. We do Thank God for Digital Photography, because in our times we would have spent a fortune developing film. Here are some of the shots, tell us what you think!

Not bad for an amateur!
If you want to share anything you have done or your kids have accomplished, e-mail us, we would love to add you to our blog.
RICK & INES, Miami Shores Real Estate,